An entirely personalized treatment
With the Premium Function, you now have the possibility of requesting a tailor-made program.
You want to treat an ailment with your Bluetens or Duo Sport, but you don't know how to use it, or what program to choose? You are preparing for an event or want to be supported during your training? Ask for a personalized program created by a physiotherapist and a qualified physical trainer, especially for you! The treatment is created for a minimum of 4 weeks, and is at a set price of €45 (the average price of a consultation).
It is developed by experts thanks to the Bluefit health platform. The custom made programs are composed of electrostimulation sessions, physical exercises and personalized advice.
How does it work?
1. Select your pathology if proposed or click on "other pathology?"
2. Complete the information requested, this is necessary to create your individual program.
3. Validate your request and pay the fee. You will receive your treatment in a few days.

The Medical Team
The physiotherapy team working for your well-being via the Premium Function is managed by Mr. Frederic Bridel.
A physiotherapist specialized in sports recovery and re-education, Mr Bridel offers his expertise to you.

Premium on video
Examples of the most frequently treated pathologies:
Tendinitis, epicondylitis, sprain, algodystrophy, capsulitis, algodystrophy, torticollis, neuralgia, sciatica.
Premium Function