Tout savoir sur la contracture aux ischios : symptômes, causes et traitements
The hamstring muscles are located at the back of the thigh. These extend from the pelvis to the leg and are constantly solicited since they play a decisive role in the flexion and external rotation of the knee.
The hamstrings are the muscle group most commonly affected by muscle conditions. Muscle contracture in the hamstrings is particularly common in athletes.
Find out everything you need to know about hamstring contracture, from symptoms to the best possible natural treatments.
How to recognize an hamstring contracture?
Many injuries and muscle pains can affect the hamstrings. Whether it is a contracture, a breakdown or an elongation, it is generally difficult to detect the muscle lesion that causes pain.
However, it is important to be able to determine the cause of muscle pain in order to follow an appropriate treatment plan.
Symptoms of hamstring contracture
People with a hamstring contracture typically experience the following symptoms:
A pain of variable intensity which is localized at the back of the thigh and which appears gradually,
An increase in pain during palpation,
Swollen or hard hamstring muscles
A reduction in the range of motion of knee extension depending on the intensity of the pain felt,
How to differentiate a contracture from an elongation?
A muscle contracture is characterized by excessive muscle tension in the hamstrings. These tensions appear gradually after exercise until they cause significant pain during stretching. The pain generally disappears spontaneously after four to five days, without following specific medical treatment.
A strain, on the other hand, is caused by intense stretching of the muscles during exercise. The pain felt is greater during palpation and weaker during stretching. A strain generally lasts between ten to twenty days and requires rehabilitation sessions to be cured.
If the patient is unable to determine whether it is a contracture or an elongation, it is recommended to consult a health professional if pain persists beyond 48 to 72 hours. The latter can make an accurate diagnosis and indicate the appropriate care for a complete recovery.
The best treatments for hamstring contracture
Thigh contracture is a mild muscle condition that resolves spontaneously after a few days. However, it is interesting to know some treatments that can relieve the main symptoms.
Rest is the best treatment to relieve the pain felt in case of hamstring contracture. It is important to respect this rest period in order to allow the muscles to recover smoothly and to avoid possible complications.
During this resting phase, it is essential to limit as much as possible the intense demands on the hamstring muscles by stopping the sporting activity.
Gentle stretching exercises
Once the pain of the first few days begins to subside, gentle stretching exercises are ideal to help the muscle recover.
Here are two simple exercises to perform to stretch the hamstrings. Whatever the exercise performed, it is essential to work the muscle gently and gradually in order to avoid any injury.
1st hamstring stretching exercise
Start in a seated position with your back straight, both legs straight and feet together. Then lean forward keeping your back straight and try to reach your ankles or feet with your hands.
Hold the position for 30 to 45 seconds. Repeat the exercise two to three times.
2nd Hamstring Stretch Exercise
Start in a standing position with both legs straight and feet slightly hip-width apart. Then lean forward smoothly and smoothly, trying to get your hands as close to the floor as possible.
Once you reach your limit, hold the position for 30 to 45 seconds. Repeat the exercise two to three times.
The application of hot and cold
The application of hot and cold in case of muscle contracture is a natural, simple and effective solution to reduce muscle pain and tension.
The heat helps improve blood circulation by relaxing tense muscles in the affected area. The patient observes a decrease in pain and stiffness in the legs. Although a hot bath is effective, it is best to apply heat locally using a hot towel or boiling water.monkfish.
Cold is more preferred to reduce pain instantly thanks to its natural anesthetic power. It also helps reduce inflammation and swelling. However, it should only be used at the very beginning of the onset of the contracture, in order to exclude an underlying lesion.
Electrostimulation is a natural and painless method that uses low-intensity electrical currents to stimulate certain muscle groups in the body. These electrical impulses are transmitted to the muscles using electrodes placed on the skin.
Electrostimulation in case of contracture is very beneficial. This offers many benefits, such as:
- Reduction of pain thanks to the blocking of pain signals to the brain and the production of endorphins (natural analgesics),
- Improved blood circulation,
- Relaxation of tense hamstrings thanks to a massaging effect,
- Optimized recovery thanks to controlled and gentle muscle work.
It is important to specify that electrostimulation must be accompanied by other treatment methods, such as rest or the application of heat, in order to obtain the desired results.
How to treat a contracture behind the thigh using Bluetens?
Bluetens offers a wide choice of electrostimulation programs specifically designed to treat certain conditions, such as contractures. All these programs are available within the modern and intuitive Bluetens application.
In just a few clicks, you can choose the desired objective, the area of the body to target and the program of your choice. You then get all the information you need to carry out your electrostimulation session in the best conditions.
Here are two electrostimulation programs for the legs to relieve the pain felt and tension in the event of contracture of the hamstrings.
The “Sports massage” program
The “Sports massage” program is specifically dedicated to aches and contractures. It relieves tension and pain in case of hamstring contracture. This 24-minute program can be done up to three times a day.
In order to access it, go to the “Single session” part from the home page of the application, then choose the “Relax” option and the “Thigh” body part. Next, select the “Sports massage” program in the “Sports activities” section.
The program “Relaxation of muscular tensions”
The “Muscular tension relaxation” program allows you to relieve your hamstring contracture with a mixture of painkillers combined with relaxation. It is particularly effective when your contracture is still slightly painful. Each session lasts 26 minutes and you can do up to three per day.
To access it, go to the “Single session” section and choose the “Heal” option and the “Thigh” body part. Next, select the “Relax muscle tension” program in the “Muscle care” section.
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